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아바타 AVATA 2



감독의 영화 <아바타: 물의 길>은 이번 주말 20억 달러를 돌파하며 박스오피스에서 역사상 여섯 번째로 기록을 갱신한 영화가 되었습니다. Cameron은 6개 중 3개(Avatar, Titanic, Avatar 2)를 담당하고 있습니다(나머지는 Avengers: Endgame, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Infinity War).

Avatar 2가 목록 6위에서 4위로 올라서 Infinity War(20억 4천만 달러)와 The Force Awakens(20억 7000만 달러)를 제치고 극장 개봉 7주째를 맞이하는 것은 며칠 남지 않았습니다.

그런 일이 발생하면 영화는 수익성이라는 또 다른 찬사를 받을 수 있습니다. 엄청난 비용이 드는 Avatar 2가 출시되기 전에 Cameron은 "영화 역사상 최악의 비즈니스 케이스"이며 손익분기점을 넘기려면 역대 세 번째 또는 네 번째로 높은 수익을 올린 영화가 되어야 한다고 말했습니다.


The director’s film, Avatar: The Way of Water, topped $2 billion at the box office this weekend, becoming just the sixth movie in history to reach the milestone. Cameron is responsible for three of those six—Avatar, Titanic, and Avatar 2 (the others are Avengers: Endgame, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Avengers: Infinity War).

It will be just a matter of days until Avatar 2 climbs from No. 6 on the list to No. 4, leaping over Infinity War ($2.04 billion) and The Force Awakens ($2.07 billion) as it heads into its seventh week in theaters.

When that happens, the movie could earn another accolade: being profitable. Before the release of the uber-costly Avatar 2, Cameron said it was the “worst business case in movie history” and would need to become the third- or fourth-highest grossing film of all time to break even.

<출처> January 23, 2023일자 Morning Brew
